Little Mary Sunshine Theater Costume Rentals

Availability: In Stock

This hugely successful Off Broadway show played for almost three years at New York?s Orpheum Theatre, winning an Obie award as the Best of the Season. Billed as ?a musical about an old operetta?-Little Mary Sunshine gently spoofs such old-time favorites like ?Rose Marie? and ?Naughty Marietta?-but has a personality all its own. The plot is a little bit of everything: Colorado Rangers led by stalwart Captain Jim; the lovely Mary Sunshine, her ?naughty? maid Nancy; a chorus of gigling schoolgirls and the ominous but benevolent Indian chief. Hearts are won and lost and won again, in this delightful, laugh-filled and charming show. ? wikipedia



How it Works

Select your Show
Choose a production from our Online Theater Department and select your production dates.
Costume Plot & Price Guide
Complete the costume plot request form on this page. You will receive a costume plot and price guide.
Submit Costume Order
Submit the marked price guide and measurements via email. Generally 4-6 weeks prior to ship date.
Rental Contract
To finalize your order, complete the online theatrical rental contract. Your order has not been reserved until we receive your contract.
Confirm & Verify
Verify that your measurements, price guide, and rental contract information has been received.

You will be providing information for a costume plot only. This does not guarantee availability.?The costumes have not been reserved until you complete a theatrical rental contract and provide accurate measurements.?After you receive a plot, you can then complete a theatrical rental contract to secure the costumes for your production dates!