Crazy?For You Theater Costume Rentals

Availability: In Stock

A ?new? Gershwin musical comedy, Crazy For You was the quintessential musical ? one where everybody sings, everybody dances and where anything on hand is used to make music. The plot was nothing new, having been adapted from the 1930s musical, Girl Crazy, but with an energetic cast, a touch of outrageously funny humor, colorful costumes, great scenery and one of the best musical scores of the century ? who could ask for anything more?? Wikipedia



How it Works

Select your Show
Choose a production from our Online Theater Department and select your production dates.
Costume Plot & Price Guide
Complete the costume plot request form on this page. You will receive a costume plot and price guide.
Submit Costume Order
Submit the marked price guide and measurements via email. Generally 4-6 weeks prior to ship date.
Rental Contract
To finalize your order, complete the online theatrical rental contract. Your order has not been reserved until we receive your contract.
Confirm & Verify
Verify that your measurements, price guide, and rental contract information has been received.

You will be providing information for a costume plot only. This does not guarantee availability.?The costumes have not been reserved until you complete a theatrical rental contract and provide accurate measurements.?After you receive a plot, you can then complete a theatrical rental contract to secure the costumes for your production dates!