Alice in?Wonderland?Theater Costume Rentals

Availability: In Stock

A charmingly clever and imaginatively selective dramatization of Lewis Carroll?s two classics. 2 Acts. 21 major characters; can be performed with as few as 12 actors. Many roles can be played by men or women. Note: Script designed so 2 roles can be eliminated, reducing minimum cast size to 10. Cast size also easily expandable. Setting: requires only simple, colorful, portable pieces. Costumes: fantastical, except for Alice and the Narrator..?? Wikipedia



How it Works

Select your Show
Choose a production from our Online Theater Department and select your production dates.
Costume Plot & Price Guide
Complete the costume plot request form on this page. You will receive a costume plot and price guide.
Submit Costume Order
Submit the marked price guide and measurements via email. Generally 4-6 weeks prior to ship date.
Rental Contract
To finalize your order, complete the online theatrical rental contract. Your order has not been reserved until we receive your contract.
Confirm & Verify
Verify that your measurements, price guide, and rental contract information has been received.

You will be providing information for a costume plot only. This does not guarantee availability.?The costumes have not been reserved until you complete a theatrical rental contract and provide accurate measurements.?After you receive a plot, you can then complete a theatrical rental contract to secure the costumes for your production dates!